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Humongous on Mobile

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What does it take to be in a parade? 

Hard work, a bright shiny chassis and a little help from your friends. That’s what Putt-Putt discovers as he gears up to join the annual Cartown Pet Parade.

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Purple Car Lands on the Moon! 

Due to a freak accident at the Fireworks Factory, Putt-Putt is blasted to the moon. There he meets Rover, a lovely little lunar terrain vehicle left behind by the astronauts. 

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Things have gone wild at the Cartown Zoo!

Today's the grand opening of the Cartown Zoo and all the baby animals are missing. Putt-Putt® and Pep need your help to reunite the little ones with their parents before Outback Al can open the gates. 

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Wham BOOM BLAM boing!

Mr. Firebird's time machine has gone haywire and Putt-Putt's® best pal Pep, is lost somewhere in time. Grab your compass! Putt-Putt® needs your help to find him.

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Cartown racers, start your engines!

Today is the big day as our curious convertible prepares for the Cartown 500. Redline Rick is eager to start the race, but Putt-Putt® and Pep need a few items before they are ready to roll. 

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Discover the Circus with Putt-Putt®!

B.J. Sweeney needs you and Putt-Putt® to help his five main acts get ready for the show. They will encounter challenges and have fun at the same time.

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The best purple car puzzles ever!

Come join award winning Putt-Putt and all his friends from the Cartown Zoo to play all your favorite fun-learning games all in one place.

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Find Grandma Grouper's kelp seeds! 

Help underwater detective Freddi Fish solve the case. Discover fascinating places like King Crab's Castle and A Sunken Ship Out of Time, in an effort to save the reef. 

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Who is haunting the schoolhouse?

Good thing super-sleuths Freddi Fish and Luther are on the case.  To reach their goal the two friends need your help to find a few things and uncover the ghost! 

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The Great Conch Shell has been stolen!

You'll join Freddi and Luther as they explore ancient ruins, play games at a fun-filled carnival and even discover a sunken airplane while looking for clues and finding adventure. 

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Freddi Fish and Luther need your Help!

Cousin Calico's prize-winning hogfish have been fishnapped by some hogfish rustlers! Help Freddi and Luther find the secret hideout, rescue the hogfish, and wrangle those rustlers. 

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There's more to this than meets the eye!

A mysterious sea creature has been seen lurking inside Coral Cove Park. If the park is to open on time you have to help Freddi and Luther find the clues, solve the puzzles and get to the bottom of this watery predicament.

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Freddi Fish and Luther go maze crazy!

Over 50 caverns to explore! Junior Arcade games are jam-packed with fast-and-furious gameplay that satisfies kids' hunger for action and surprises! 

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The best underwater puzzles ever!

Come join award winning Freddi Fish and all her friends under the sea to play all of your favorite fun-learning games all in one place.

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Pajama Sam fatefully faces his greatest fear!

Pajama Sam journeys into the land of darkness (his closet) to face his fears. Help Pajama Sam figure out who or what is behind the darkness and realize that there is no need to hide when it’s dark outside!

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Pajama Sam is back!

Sam’s spent one too many evenings cowering under the couch, so he sets out to conquer his fear of thunderstorms. It’s amazing what he finds high above the clouds. 

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Pajama Sam is off on a nutritious adventure! 

Pajama Sam chases down some snickering cookies, only to find himself in the midst of a food squabble! Help Pajama Sam bring peace, and still make it home in time for dinner.

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Goat Milk?

The Plot: William the Kid has nearly completed his dastardly plan to cow-nap all the worlds supply of milk! The Mission: Using ingenious SPY gadgets, keen wits, and daring moves, SPY Fox, jumps out on an udderly exhilarating adventure!

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Who Left the Dog On?

The Plot: Spy Corps' corrupt counterpart S.M.E.L.L.Y. has devised a devious dogbot to unleash upon the unsuspecting world! The Mission: Find the hidden OFF switch, deactivate the dogbot and stop LeRoach quest for World (fair) Domination!

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Air Today, Gone Tomorrow.

A huge hairspray space station is blasting vile vapors into the ozone. With her paw on the nozzle, Poodles Galore unleashes her plot to corner the sunscreen market. It's up to SPY Fox and his friends to "can" Poodles and save the planet.

Humongous artists used animation paper and steel pegbars to create endearing illusion of life and to scratch in places their comically short arms could not reach.


Humongous Entertainment is not in any manner affiliated with the Putt-Putt® Golf Courses of America Inc.. Humongous Entertainment, Humongous Entertainment logo, Pajama Sam®, Freddi Fish®, and Spy Fox® are registered trademarks of Billion Soft (Hong Kong) Limited. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.  Published by Tommo Inc. ©2023 Tommo Inc.  All rights reserved

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